1 module cachetools.cache;
3 import std.typecons;
4 import std.exception;
5 import std.experimental.logger;
6 import core.stdc.time;
7 import std.datetime;
9 private import std.experimental.allocator;
10 private import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;
12 private import cachetools.internal;
13 private import cachetools.interfaces;
14 private import cachetools.containers.hashmap;
15 private import cachetools.containers.lists;
18 ///
19 /// CacheLRU contains maximum `size` items
20 /// Eviction policy:
21 /// 1. evict TTL-ed entry (if TTL)
22 /// 2. if oldest entry not expired - evict oldes accessed (LRU)
23 ///
24 /// User can be informed about evicted entries via cache event list.
25 ///
27 class CacheLRU(K, V, Allocator = Mallocator) : Cache!(K, V)
28 {
29     ///
30     /// Implemented as HashMap and multi-dlist.
31     ///
32     /// HashMap (by key) keep 
33     ///  1. cached value
34     ///  2. pointer to dlist element.
35     ///  3. creation time (to check expiration and purge expired entry on get() without access to dlist)
36     ///  4. hits counter
37     ///
38     /// dlist keep key, cteation timestamp (to check expiration)
39     ///  1. key, so that we can remove entries from hashmap for lists heads (AccessIndex and TimeIndex)
40     ///  2. creation time, so that we can check expiration for 'TimeIndex'
41     ///
42     /// Each element in dlist have two sets of double-links - first set create order by access time, second set
43     /// for creation time.
44     ///
45     private
46     {
47         enum size_t AccessIndex = 0;
48         enum size_t TimeIndex = 1;
49         struct ListElement {
50             K                   key;    // we keep key here so we can remove element from map when we evict with LRU or TTL)
51             time_t              ts;     // creation (we keep it here to check expiration for oldest element)
52         }
53         struct MapElement {
54             StoredType!V        value;  // value
55             ushort              hits;   // accesses
56             time_t              ts;     // creation (wee keep it here to check expiration on access)
57             ListElementPtr      list_element_ptr;
58         }
60         alias allocator         = Allocator.instance;
61         alias ListElementPtr    = __elements.Node*;
63         MultiDList!(ListElement, 2, Allocator)  __elements; // keeps order by creation time and by access time
64         HashMap!(K, MapElement, Allocator)      __map;      // keeps MapElement by key
65         SList!(CacheEvent!(K,V), Allocator)     __events;   // unbounded list of cache events
67         // configuration
68         size_t  __size = 1024;          // limit num of elements in cache
69         uint    __ttl;                  // use TTL if __ttl > 0
70         bool    __reportCacheEvents;    // will user read cache events?
71     }
72     struct CacheEventRange
73     {
74         SList!(CacheEvent!(K,V), Allocator) __events;
75         this(ref SList!(CacheEvent!(K,V), Allocator) events)
76         {
77             import std.algorithm.mutation: swap;
78             swap(__events, events);
79         }
80         bool empty() const nothrow pure
81         {
82             return __events.empty();
83         }
84         void popFront() pure nothrow
85         {
86             __events.popFront();
87         }
88         auto front()
89         {
90             return __events.front();
91         }
92         auto length() pure const nothrow @safe
93         {
94             return __events.length;
95         } 
96     }
98     public Nullable!V get(K k) @safe
99     {
100         debug(cachetools) tracef("get %s", k);
101         auto store_ptr = k in __map;
102         if ( !store_ptr )
103         {
104             return Nullable!V();
105         }
106         if  (__ttl > 0 && time(null) - store_ptr.ts >= __ttl )
107         {
108             // remove expired entry
109             if ( __reportCacheEvents )
110             {
111                 // store in event list
112                 CacheEvent!(K,V) cache_event = {EventType.Expired, k, store_ptr.value};
113                 __events.insertBack(cache_event);
114             }
115             // and remove from storage and list
116             __map.remove(k);
117             __elements.remove(store_ptr.list_element_ptr);
118             return Nullable!V();
119         }
120         store_ptr.hits++;
121         auto order_p = store_ptr.list_element_ptr;
122         __elements.move_to_tail(order_p, AccessIndex);
123         return Nullable!V(store_ptr.value);
124     }
126     public PutResult put(K k, V v) @safe
127     out
128     {
129         assert(__result != PutResult(PutResultFlag.None));
130     }
131     do
132     {
133         time_t ts = time(null);
134         PutResult result;
135         auto store_ptr = k in __map;
136         if ( !store_ptr ) // insert element
137         {
138             result = PutResultFlag.Inserted;
139             if (__elements.length >= __size )
140             {
141                 ListElementPtr e;
142                 // we have to purge
143                 // 1. check if oldest element is ttled
144                 if ( __ttl > 0 && ts - __elements.head(TimeIndex).ts >= __ttl )
145                 {
146                     // purge ttl-ed element
147                     e = __elements.head(TimeIndex);
148                     debug(cachetools) tracef("purging ttled %s", *e);
149                 }
150                 else
151                 {
152                     // purge lru element
153                     e = __elements.head(AccessIndex);
154                     debug(cachetools) tracef("purging lru %s", *e);
155                 }
156                 assert(e !is null);
157                 if ( __reportCacheEvents )
158                 {
159                     auto value_ptr = e.key in __map;
160                     CacheEvent!(K,V) cache_event = {EventType.Evicted, e.key, value_ptr.value};
161                     __events.insertBack(cache_event);
162                 }
163                 __map.remove(e.key);
164                 __elements.remove(e);
165                 result |= PutResultFlag.Evicted;
166             }
167             auto order_node = __elements.insert_last(ListElement(k, ts));
168             MapElement e = {value:v, ts: ts, list_element_ptr: order_node};
169             __map.put(k, e);
170         }
171         else // update element
172         {
173             result = PutResultFlag.Replaced;
174             debug(cachetools) tracef("update %s", *store_ptr);
175             ListElementPtr e = store_ptr.list_element_ptr;
176             e.ts = ts;
177             __elements.move_to_tail(e, TimeIndex);
178             if ( __reportCacheEvents )
179             {
180                 auto v_ptr = e.key in __map;
181                 CacheEvent!(K,V) cache_event = {EventType.Updated, e.key, v_ptr.value};
182                 __events.insertBack(cache_event);
183             }
184             store_ptr.value = v;
185             store_ptr.ts = ts;
186         }
187         return result;
188     }
190     public bool remove(K k) @safe
191     {
192         debug(cachetools) tracef("remove from cache %s", k);
193         auto map_ptr = k in __map;
194         if ( !map_ptr ) // do nothing
195         {
196             return false;
197         }
198         ListElementPtr e = map_ptr.list_element_ptr;
199         if ( __reportCacheEvents )
200         {
201             auto v_ptr = e.key in __map;
202             CacheEvent!(K,V) cache_event = {EventType.Removed, e.key, v_ptr.value};
203             __events.insertBack(cache_event);
204         }
205         __map.remove(e.key);
206         __elements.remove(e);
207         return true;
208     }
210     public void clear() @safe
211     {
212         __map.clear();
213         __elements.clear();
214     }
216     public size_t length() pure nothrow const @safe @nogc
217     {
218         return __elements.length;
219     }
221     public auto size(size_t s) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
222     {
223         __size = s;
224         return this;
225     }
227     public size_t size() pure nothrow const @safe @nogc
228     {
229         return __size;
230     }
232     public auto ttl(uint d) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
233     {
234         __ttl = d;
235         return this;
236     }
238     public uint ttl() pure nothrow const @safe @nogc
239     {
240         return __ttl;
241     }
242     public auto enableCacheEvents() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
243     {
244         __reportCacheEvents = true;
245         return this;
246     }
247     public auto cacheEvents() @safe
248     {
249         return CacheEventRange(__events);
250     }
251 }
253 @safe unittest
254 {
255     import std.stdio;
256     import std.datetime;
257     import core.thread;
258     import std.algorithm;
259     globalLogLevel = LogLevel.info;
260     PutResult r;
262     auto lru = new CacheLRU!(int, string);
263     lru.size(4).ttl(1).enableCacheEvents();
265     assert(lru.length == 0);
266     r = lru.put(1, "one"); assert(r == PutResult(PutResultFlag.Inserted));
267     r = lru.put(2, "two"); assert(r == PutResult(PutResultFlag.Inserted));
268     auto v = lru.get(1);
269     assert(v=="one");
270     r = lru.put(3, "three"); assert(r & PutResultFlag.Inserted);
271     r = lru.put(4, "four"); assert(r & PutResultFlag.Inserted);
272     assert(lru.length == 4);
273     // next put should purge...
274     r = lru.put(5, "five"); assert(r == PutResult(PutResultFlag.Evicted, PutResultFlag.Inserted));
275     () @trusted {Thread.sleep(2.seconds);}();
276     v = lru.get(1); // it must be expired by ttl
277     assert(v.isNull);
278     assert(lru.length == 3);
279     r = lru.put(6, "six"); assert(r == PutResult(PutResultFlag.Inserted));
280     assert(lru.length == 4);
281     r = lru.put(7, "seven"); assert(r == PutResult(PutResultFlag.Evicted, PutResultFlag.Inserted));
282     assert(lru.length == 4);
283     lru.put(7, "7");
284     assert(lru.length == 4);
285     assert(lru.get(7) == "7");
286     lru.clear();
287     assert(lru.length == 0);
288     assert(lru.get(7).isNull);
289     auto events = lru.cacheEvents();
290     assert(!events.empty);
291     assert(events.length() == 4);
292     assert(lru.__events.empty);
293     assert(equal(events.map!"a.key", [2,1,3,7]));
294     assert(equal(events.map!"a.val", ["two","one","three","seven"]));
295 }
297 // check if we can cache with immutable struct keys
298 @safe unittest
299 {
300     struct S {int s;}
301     CacheLRU!(immutable S, string) cache = new CacheLRU!(immutable S, string);
302     immutable S s1 = immutable S(1);
303     cache.put(s1, "one");
304     auto s11 = cache.get(s1);
305     assert(s11 == "one");
306 }
308 // check if we can cache with immutable struct values
309 @safe unittest
310 {
311     struct S
312     {
313         int s;
314     }
315     auto  cache = new CacheLRU!(string, immutable S);
316     immutable S s1 = immutable S(1);
317     cache.put("one", s1);
318     auto s11 = cache.get("one");
319     assert(s11 == s1);
320     immutable S s12 = immutable S(12);
321     cache.put("one", s12);
322     auto s121 = cache.get("one");
323     assert(s121 == s12);
324 }
326 // check if we can cache with immutable class keys and values
327 @safe unittest
328 {
329     import cachetools.hash: hash_function;
330     class C
331     {
332         int s;
333         this(int v)
334         {
335             s = v;
336         }
337         override hash_t toHash() const
338         {
339             return hash_function(s);
340         }
341         bool opEquals(const C other) pure const @safe
342         {
343             return s == other.s;
344         }
345     }
346     CacheLRU!(immutable C, string) ick = new CacheLRU!(immutable C, string);
347     immutable C s1 = new immutable C(1);
348     ick.put(s1, "one");
349     auto s11 = ick.get(s1);
350     assert(s11 == "one");
352     CacheLRU!(string, immutable C) icv = new CacheLRU!(string, immutable C);
353     immutable C s1v = new immutable C(1);
354     icv.put("one", s1v);
355     auto s11v = icv.get("one");
356     assert(s11v is s1v);
357 }
359 ///
360 @safe unittest
361 {
362     auto lru = new CacheLRU!(int, string);
363     lru.size = 2048; // keep 2048 elements in cache
364     lru.ttl = 60;    // set 60 seconds TTL for items in cache
366     lru.put(1, "one");
367     auto v = lru.get(0);
368     assert(v.isNull);   // no such item in cache
369     v = lru.get(1);
370     assert(v == "one"); // 1 is in cache
371 }
372 @safe unittest
373 {
374     import std.stdio;
375     auto lru = new CacheLRU!(int, string);
376     lru.enableCacheEvents();
377     lru.put(1, "one");
378     lru.put(1, "next one");
379     assert(lru.get(1) == "next one");
380     auto events = lru.cacheEvents();
381     //writeln(events);
382 }